Through the licensing and supervision of this public service, Sunedu ensures the provision of high-quality education that is beneficial to students in an efficient, predictable, transparent and respectful of university autonomy.
If you need to know if a university is approved by the National Administration of Higher Education (Sunedu) or is under evaluation, you can consult its virtual platform.
The license of the university began in 2015, authorizing institutions with basic quality conditions (CBC) to provide university higher education services.
The conditions that Sunedu demands are the following:
Existence of academic objectives, degrees, titles and study plans.
Educational offer compatible with planning instruments.
Adequate infrastructure and equipment.
Development and promotion of research.
Qualified teachers and a minimum of 25% of them full time.
Supplemental educational services.
Mechanisms of mediation and labor insertion.
Information transparency.
Before you start, you should know:
You can search for the university by name, type of management (if it is public or private), region, group and state (licensed, license denied, etc.).
If you want to know if your university is licensed, you can check the Procedures and Consultations website.